I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna in the Research Group for Visualization and Data Analysis (Computer Science) and an affiliate researcher at King’s College London, UK.
My research is looking at ways to improve human-data interaction by studying sensemaking with data and visualisations, data discovery and reuse, and ethical and collaborative aspects of data-centric work.
In other words that means I research how data is used, understood, and presented by (and to) different user groups and what implications that might have.

Journals (& books)
2025, ACM Interactions, Volume 32, Number 1, Pages 34-38
Laura Koesten, Jude Yew, Kathleen Gregory
2025, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '25)
Uhl Carl, Regal Georg, Koesten Laura, Oppermann Michael, Murtinger Markus, Tscheligi Manfred
2025, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '25)
Christian Knoll, Torsten Möller, Kathleen Gregory, Laura Koesten
2025, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '25)
Laura Koesten, Antonia Saske, Sandra Starchenko, Kathleen Gregory
2025, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Timothée Schmude, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller, Sebastian Tschiatschek
2023, Harvard Data Science Review
Kathleen Gregory, Laura Koesten, Regina Schuster, Torsten Möller, Sarah Davies
2023, Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services, Springer Nature
Kathleen Gregory, Laura Koesten
2023, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
Regina Schuster, Laura Koesten, Kathleen Gregory, Torsten Möller
2023, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Yu Jin, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller
2023, EticaPolitica/EthicsPolitics
Gefion Thurmer, Laura Koesten, Elena Simperl
2020, International Journal for Human Computer Studies
Laura Koesten, Kathleen Gregory, Paul Groth, Elena Simperl
2020, Cell Press Journal
Laura Koesten, Pavlos Vougiouklis, Elena Simperl, Paul Groth
2020, International Journal for Human Computer Studies
Laura Koesten, Elena Simperl, Tom Blount, Emilia Kacprzak, Jeni Tennison
2019, International Journal on Very Large Data Bases
Adriane Chapman, Elena Simperl, Laura Koesten, George Konstantinidis, Luis-Daniel Ibez-Gonzalez, Emilia Kacprzak, Paul Groth
2018, Journal of Web Semantics
Emilia Kacprzak, Laura Koesten, Luis D Ibáñez, Tom Blount, Jeni Tennison, Elena Simperl
2023, ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI)
Bernhard Jordan, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller
2023, ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT)
Timothée Schmude, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller, Sebastian Tschiatschek
2023, ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX)
Katharina Wuensche, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller, Jian Chen
2020, International Conference on Computer‑Human Interaction Research and Applications
Tom Blount, Laura Koesten, Yuchen Zhao, Elena Simperl
2019, CHI'19 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Laura Koesten, Emilia Kacprzak, Jeni Tennison, Elena Simperl
2018, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Emilia Kacprzak, José M. Giménez‑Garcı́a, Alessandro Piscopo, Laura Koesten, Luis Daniel Ibáñez, Jeni Tennison, Elena Simperl
2017, Web Engineering ‑ 17th International Conference, ICWE
Emilia Kacprzak, Laura M. Koesten, Luis Daniel Ibáñez, Elena Simperl, Jeni Tennison
2017, CHI'17 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Laura Koesten, Emilia Kacprzak, Jeni Tennison, Elena Simperl
2015 — Ergonomics & Human Factors
Laura Koesten, Diane Gyi, Annabel Masson
Workshops and other
2023, CHI23 Workshop ‑ AI Literacy: Finding Common Threads between Education, Design, Policy, and Explainability
Timothée Schmude, Laura Koesten, Torsten Möller, Sebastian Tschiatschek
2023, CHI23 Workshop ‑ HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures
Regina Schuster, Laura Koesten, Kathleen Gregory, Torsten Möller
2022, Innitiative by the Austrian Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
Stefanie Schuerz, Stefanie Konzett‑Smoliner, Michael Stampfer, plus Contributors (including Koesten Laura)
2021, ACM Interactions Magazine 28.2
Laura Koesten, Elena Simperl
2020, ACM Interactions Magazine 27.5
Tom Blount, Dan Barnard, Laura Koesten, Elena Simperl
2020, CHI ’19 Workshop on HCI for Accurate, Impartial and Transparent Journalism: Challenges and Solutions
Yuchen Zhao, Tom Blount, Laura Koesten, Elena Simperl
2018, Companion of the The Web Conference
Laura Koesten
2018, SIGIR Forum 52.2
Laura Koesten, Philipp Mayr, Paul Groth, Elena Simperl, Maarten deRijke
2018, The Web Conference (WWW'18) Companion
Emilia Kacprzak, Laura Koesten, Jeni Tennison, Elena Simperl
2016 — CHIIR 2017 Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks
Laura Koesten, Jaspreet Singh
Emilia Kacprzak, Laura Koesten, Tom Heath, and Jeni Tennison
2016 — SAL@SIGIR 2016
Laura Koesten, Emilia Kacprzak and Jeni Tennison
Title: Von Macht und Ohnmacht der Bilde
Vienna, Austria
Title: Perspectives on Human Data Interaction
Vienna, Austria
Title: Visualizing Data ‑ Through the Eyes of the Reader
Vienna, Austria
Title: Can you see the message?
Vienna, Austria
Title: Visualizing data - Through the eyes of the reader
Vienna, Austria
Title: Dataset reuse: Toward translating principles to practice
Title: Data Discovery and Reuse: A Human‑Centred View
Title: The Data Stories Project + Data visualisation (a primer)
London, UK
Title: Talking Charts
Vienna, Austria
Title: Visualizing data through the eyes of the reader
Vienna, Austria
Title: Human Data Interaction
Vienna, Austria
Title: Online Teamwork: Social factors in digital communities
Vienna, Austria
Title: Dataset reuse indicators: perspectives of data consumers and data producers
Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Studies in Human Data Interaction - Data Discovery, Sensemaking and Reuse, June 2020
Online (UK)
Title: User centred data discovery, data sharing and reuse
London, UK
Title: A user centred perspective on the discovery of structured data.
Vienna, Austria
Title: Data discovery from a user perspective. Den Haag, Netherlands 2019
Lunchtime lecture at The Open Data InstituteTitle: Why can‘t I find data?
London, UK
Title: Finding data on the web
London, UK
Community engagement & organisation
since 2023
2022, 2023, 2024
University of Vienna, 2022
University of Vienna, 2022
University of Vienna, Austria, 2021 + 2022
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme
- Datastories Symposium 2020
King's College London
ESWC 2020
ESWC 2019
International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2018
Int. Workshop on Profiling and Searching Data on the Web
@ The Web Conference 2018, Lyon, FR
Int. Workshop on Profiling and Searching Data on the Web
@ The Web Conference 2018, Lyon, FR
International Workshop on DATA:SEARCH
@ SIGIR 2018, Ann Arbor, USA
Data Visualization, Design Thinking, Contributor to the Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Supervision
Summer 2024:
Human Computer Interaction, Data Visualization, Supervision
Winter 2023:
Data Visualization, Contributor to the Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Supervision
Summer 2023:
Human Computer Interaction, Supervision
Winter 2022:
Data Visualization, Contributor to the Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Supervision
Summer 2022:
Human Computer Interaction, Data Visualization, Supervision
Winter 2021:
Data Visualization, Contributor to the Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Supervision
Summer 2021:
Human Computer Interaction, Supervision
Data Stories - Engaging with data in a post-truth environment
King's College London, University of Southampton, The ODI

TheyBuyForYou - Enabling procurement data value chains
University of Southampton